ProtoPie & LINE Mobile Prototyping Meetup
Looking back on the ProtoPie x LINE Mobile Prototyping Meetup

The original article was written in Korean by the LINE Interaction Design Team, and it was translated under their permission.
We held the very first Mobile Prototyping Meetup with ProtoPie, which is a code-free interaction prototyping tool, at the LINE Tokyo office on July 6th, 2017.
Nowadays, many designers are already aware of the vital role of prototyping when it comes to designing and developing mobile apps. Due to the fact that LINE collaborated earlier with ProtoPie that is famous for its low learning curve, utilization of smart device sensors and support for all kinds of gestures, LINE supported this event by taking care of the venue and guest speakers.
Therefore, we’d like to share our experience of this amazing event with you.

The event started at 7 PM making sure that all of our attendees were able to join after work. A ProtoPie banner was placed in front of the conference room to inform attendees in which room they had to be. In the meantime, the event crew was busy wrapping up the last preparations for the event in the very same room.

As per tradition, you can meet any of our LINE Friends in every LINE office around the world. Of course, we have some of them in our Tokyo office as well.
James, Jessica and Boss decided to stop by and they told us that they were very excited about the ProtoPie x LINE Mobile Prototyping Meetup ;)

While our dear LINE Friends were checking out the venue, our guest speakers were busy prepping their talks together. Our line up of speakers consisted of Jungyoung Lee from LINE, Minsang Choi from Google, Hyerim Ahn from Laxus and Sanghoon Ji from Redish.

While Jungyoung was checking out whether the projector is working at its full potential, we were a bit worried as the conference room was huge and we needed to fill the entire room!

This event was the very first meetup event in Japan for ProtoPie. ProtoPie is currently widely used by UX and interaction designers in 37 countries all over the world such as USA, Korea, China and Germany. Design teams at Alipay, Tencent, Google, Yahoo! and Nintendo have been using ProtoPie already for their projects.

As soon all the attendees took their seats our worries were gone by the wind. The entire conference room was truly packed and over 100 designers were present. We could see their excitement and we were ready to go!
Tony Kim, the co-founder and CEO of ProtoPie, opened the event. Attendees were highly interactive and engaged during the event by firing a lot of questions to the ProtoPie team.
“No Code, Yes Prototype”
Tony Kim, ProtoPie

Afterwards, Jungyoung Lee gave a talk about the ‘Design Process Involving Prototyping at LINE’ and shared case studies and his experiences of how LINE uses prototypes.
“ It is super easy to build sophisticated animations with ProtoPie and the end product is very similar to the prototype made using ProtoPie.”
Jungyoung Lee, LINE
The text animation feature, that was released recently, was demonstrated to the crowd.

You can try the prototype involving the text animation using the link.

Furthermore, other prototypes were demonstrated such as a chat app platform, video call app and Disco (an AI-based content curating app). Also, we believed that the Tilt interactions in the cloud AI app Clova were made easily, or as easy as pie so to say.

Sanghoon Ji discussed how ‘Developers also Love Prototyping’ in his speech from an engineer’s perspective, while Hyerim Ahn shared her thoughts on ‘Remote work using Prototypes’. Minsang Choi elaborated on the ‘Comparison between c0de-free prototyping tools and code-based prototyping tools’.
Hearing about these topics from experts in the field with different points of views has been truly insightful and inspiring. Attendees were able to obtain an overall understanding of the endless possibilities and practical usages of prototyping.

After plenty of intriguing talks, discussions and demonstrations, the event was over late at night. Also, we gladly enjoyed the famous pie by ProtoPie in Japan at this event.
If you feel limited about prototyping due to (a fear of) coding, then ProtoPie is definitely a tool worth trying!
Thus, we say: “No Code, Yes Prototype”.